Halloween games to play at home

Check out these spooktacular, fun Halloween games you can play at home.


Here’s a list of plenty of games to keep the kids entertained. Ideal if you are hosting a Halloween party.

Guess the body part

A fun, gross out game that the kids will love. Children need to be blindfolded and then take it turns to feel the selection of ‘body parts’ prepared in bowls, taking a guess what they think each one is. A game that will bring out howls of laughter and disgust!

To make ‘body parts’:

Eyeballs- bowl of olives or grapes

Guts: Cooked spaghetti

Toenails: cashew nuts

Veins: Noodles

Brain: Large cauliflower

Pop the Pumpkin Balloon

Inflate 10 orange balloons including slips of paper with small prizes listed e.g. a sweet. Then name one the pumpkin and include a bigger prize of your choice on the paper inside. Children take it in turns to find the pumpkin balloon with the main prize but to avoid disappointment as they all win with a small treat as they play. A bit like a Halloween themed pass the parcel!

Pumpkin / Scary Tin Bowling

Time to hit the recycle bin and decorate old tins and plastic bottles.

To make your Halloween bowling pins:-

To make plastic bottle ghost bowling pins just fill bottles with white cotton wool and use a black marker or stickers to create a scary ghost face on the front. With parental supervision as they can be sharp clean and decorate old tins with Halloween stickers, coloured drawings and patterns.

Halloween bowling balls:

Use small pumpkins or oranges for a bowling ball to fit the scary celebrations.

Feed the Halloween Monster

You will need small bouncy balls and an old cardboard box from a delivery or even a large shoe box. Cut a jagged section out for the monster mouth and decorate the box adding googly eyes to make your Halloween creature. This fun ball toss game should keep the kid entertained!

Toilet Paper Mummy Race

Using a roll of toilet paper children dress up a parent or sibling as a mummy. The aim is the dress the person from head to toe using all of the toilet paper roll. Set and stopwatch and see who is the fastest or just do for fun!

Apple bobbing/ Donut on a string

Two simple fun food games.

For apple bobbing use a medium sized bowl filled with apples and the the challenge is to retrieve as many as you can by biting ( hands must be kept behind backs.) Get plenty of towels to mop up!

For the donut game hang donuts from a garden tree or washing line and challenge the kids to see who can eat one not using hands!


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